Track Town 29ers (ACC Club #450)
2nd & 4th Sundays of each month (September-May) from 2PM(sharp)-5:30PM(ish) at Arable Brewing (510 Conger St., Eugene, OR).
$15 entry fee with CA$H prizes. 9 games. No muggins. All ages welcome.
Do you really like to play a lot of cribbage? Do you like to play cribbage fast? Do you want to play cribbage competitively on the regional or national level? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, read on!
If you think this may be a little too much cribbage for you, please attend one of our less formal weekly tournaments and see what you think.
Our American Cribbage Congress (ACC) club tournaments are separate from our regular Monday Night and Thursday Night cribbage but will be played in a very similar fashion with scorecards, player rotation, and general rules. We will play 9 speedy games in about 3.5 hours. $15 entry fee with CA$H prizes to the top 25% of players. We will provide everything that’s needed (boards, cards, etc.), just bring your entry fee and a good attitude. NO MUGGINS.
Each season, players compete to earn Grass Roots Points (GRPs). Each club crowns a champion, and there are awards for reaching certain lifetime GRP milestones. In addition, there are awards for getting a 28-hand, 29-hand or a Grand Slam (winning all 9 games).
Who: Any and all cribbage players! Players don't have to be ACC/GR members for their first 4 tournaments, so you can give it a try with no commitment. These ACC tournaments are for those players who want to play slightly more competitive (but still friendly!) cribbage games, keep track of and register their scores over time to see how they rank against other cribbage players from around the region/country, and earn ACC awards based on their performance.
When: Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of Each Month. Start time 2PM sharp.
Where: Arable Brewing (510 Conger St., Eugene, OR).
How Much: $15
Cash Prizes for these Special Hands
List of Grass Roots “Special Hands” for Chance of $5* Prize:
Raggedy Ann (A-A-6-7-8)
Raggedy Andy (2-2-6-7-8)
Crib Flush
Straight Flush
23-point hand
Quads (four of a kind)
Last 24-point hand
28-point hand ($10 plus ACC certificate and pin)
29-point hand ($29 plus ACC certificate, plaque, and pin)
*Some hands will pay more than $5.
Join the Club!
While each player doesn’t need to be a fully paid up ACC/Grass Roots member to play (non-ACC member players may sit in up to 4 times), we need at least 6 fully-committed and paid-up ACC/GR members playing in each of these tournaments to qualify as an official ACC Grass Roots Tournament.
If you’re not an ACC member but know you’d like to be, please visit this website and join club #450 today:
If you’re already an ACC member, please visit this website (with your ACC member # handy) and pay your grass roots dues:
Please bring a printed copy of your dues payment (or have the email on your phone) so we can confirm and count you in as an ACC/GR player for the tournament.
Cribbage Club Code of Congeniality
The ACC Code of Congeniality is applicable to all tournament play, including the Grass Roots Program's weekly tournaments. The intent is for experienced players to be considerate of new player skills and their development, and to foster growth of the organization.
During a new player's trial period (four weeks or until they earn points — whichever is longer):
We pledge to welcome new players warmly and make them feel wanted.
We pledge to not penalize new players for violating tournament rules. (We will, instead, gently tell them what the rule is and what the penalty would be.)
We pledge to not let new players underpeg points or undercount hands. (We will, instead, explain errors and then allow new players to take all points they are entitled to.)
We pledge to not make new players feel inferior if/when they miss points or make a bad play. (We will, instead, let them know that all cribbage players do this and that it is part of the learning process.)
We pledge to not force new players to play a game in fifteen minutes. (We will, instead, be tolerant and not complain, remembering that we, too, started slow.)
We pledge to allow new players to play for free or at the minimum cost of club expenses and Grass Roots/ACC dues.
After the trial period is up . . .
We pledge to continue to make all players — new and existing — feel welcome and comfortable at our club.
Quick Tournament Rules
These tournaments will be played according to the ACC Rulebook.
Each player cuts the deck (you must leave at least ½ the deck for your opponent) to reveal a card at the start of the game. Low card deals first (Aces are low).
The pone must cut the deck after the dealer shuffles and before EACH DEAL.
No muggins and no one may help you count your hand.
All players move 1 seat to their right ➔ after each game, except anchor (if needed).
If you pick up your front peg, it now becomes your back peg.
Once your hand is removed from the peg, scoring is completed and you may not move your pegs to account for any points you may have over-looked or missed.
If you over-pegged your hand, you can change it. You should announce that you’re correcting an over-pegged hand, and then move your peg back to the correct position.
If your opponent catches you over-pegging, you must move back to the correct spot and your opponent earns the extra point(s). If over-pegging results in you claiming the game, this is “false claim of game” and you should call for a judge. A “false claim of game” carries a 15-point penalty.
If you peg in the wrong direction, pegs stay where they are placed.
Any disputes will be handled by the tournament director(s) and their decision is final.
Recording Wins/Losses on scorecards:
Game point scoring:
2 Points for a win
3 Points for a skunk (or double skunk)
0 Points for a loss
Record the 2-digit number of points won or lost by in the correct spread column that applies (e.g. “09”). Do NOT double for a skunk.
ACC Grassroots Info & Manual
Grass Roots info: